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Platinum Level Sponsor

The Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences develops people and ideas in support of providing food, bio-resources and services that benefit our society, the environment and the agri-food sector.

Since our founding in 1906, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences has continuously evolved to meet the changing needs of our world, embracing new technologies, interdisciplinary collaboration and agile curriculum focused on student success. Our programs of study, unique student experience and researchers are what set us apart. Our partnerships with industry are what help our graduates continue to make change within our community and within the global conversation around food, human health and agriculture.

The goal of the Agriculture Endowment Fund is to promote excellence in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences through support for a wide variety of worthy projects and programs consistent with the academic goals of the Faculty. Although a wide variety of projects can be supported by the Fund, applications that benefit a greater number of students will be prioritized for funding by the Endowment Committee. Obtaining partial support from external sources enhances the chance of success.

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