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Meet the PSGSA Team


Ritesh Yadav - President

Where you're from: 


Year and program of study: Second year, PhD


Project title/proposed project title: Genomic prediction for improving winter hardiness and fusarium head blight resistance in winter durum wheat


Favourite things to do in your spare time: 


Future dream job:


Dream vacation: 








Ginelle Grenier - Vice President

Preferred name: Ginny 

Where I'm from: Baldur, MB

Year and program of study:  PhD, 2nd year 

Project title:  Molecular and genetic analysis of lodging resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Favourite things to do:  Spending time at my family farm and cabin, playing sports, fishing, travelling, and visiting with friends

Favourite plant: Prairie Rose 

Do you have any pets: A cat named Gigi :)



Kamalpreet Singh - Treasurer

Where are you from: 


Year at program of study: Second year, MSc.


Title of project: 


Favourite things to do: 


Dream vacation: 


Favourite place to go in the province :


Nicknames: Kamal


Favorite food: 


Do you have any pets: 


Kaitlyn Pidherny - Department Council Rep + Safety Committee Rep

Where you're from: 


Year and program of study: Second year MSc.


Title of project: Genome wide association study of stem rust resistance in winter wheat


Favorite house plant:


Do you have any pets: 


Dream vacation:

Carman Field Tour picture.jpg

Jared Bento - Social Coordinator

Where you're from: Winnipeg, MB


Year and program of study: Second year, MSc.


Project title/proposed project title: Genome-Wide Association and Genomic Selection for Oil and Fatty Acid Content in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)


Favourite things to do in your spare time:

Taking care of my plants, spending time outdoors, going to the gym, off-road trails, and sleeping.


Dream Job: Self sufficiency via my own greenhouses and gardens


Dream vacation: Portugal - Mainland and Azores


Favourite tv show/movie: Star Wars - prequel trilogy (open to friendly debate) 


Favourite kind of music: Anything and everything (except pop-country... never pop-country)



Dayna Wozny - Seminar Committee Rep

Where you're from:


Year and program of study: 1st year MSc.


Project title/proposed project title:  


Dream vacation: 


Favourite place to go in the city: 


Favourite tv show: 


Favourite things to do: 




Uthpala Ekanayake - UMGSA Rep

Preferred name/nickname: 


Where you're from: 


Year and program of study: Second year, MSc


Project title/proposed project title: Effect of Integrated Crop Management Strategieson Crop Yield and Weed Growth in Wheat


Favourite things to do:


Future dream job: 


Dream vacation: 


Favourite place to go in the city: 


Favourite tv show/ movie:  


Favorite food: 


Favourite kind of music:


Do you have any pets:




Anirup Sengupta - Social Coordinator

Where you're from:  


Year and program: Second year, MSc. 


Project title/proposed project title: Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) for Leaf Rust Resistance in Canada Western Red Winter (CWRW) Wheat


 Favourite things to do in my spare time:  


A plant that represents me:  


Favourite tv show: 


Favourite food:  


Laetitia Mukungu - UMGSA Rep

Where you're from: Kenya


Year and program of study: Second year, MSc.


Project title/proposed project title: Field, greenhouse, and farm case studies on the role of alternative organic nutrients in sustainable agricultural and livelihood systems in Canada and Kenya


Favourite food: Chicken biryani 


Favourite kind of music: African and Reggaeton


Favourite TV show: Money Heist and Suits


Dream vacation: Bali, Indonesia


Pets: Melody, cat



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